Dedicated Software Development Team
A3 Global boasts a team of own skilled professionals, including business analysts, project managers, QA experts, and software engineers, all well-versed in the art of delivering software projects within budget and on schedule. When you opt for a Dedicated Development team, you gain the capability to create a custom software solution that perfectly aligns with your specific business requirements.
What are the reasons for considering the engagement of a Dedicated Software Development Team?
For customers who seek total autonomy over all facets of the development process, A3 Global provides the Dedicated Software Development Team service.
Get immidiate access to expert developers:
You can utilize the knowledge and expertise of experienced developers right now instead of going to agencies for recruitment, wasting time and money
Maximize your company’s own resources productivity:
A3 Global strengthens your company’s team to deliver results in a shorter timeframe
Optimizing your budget and saving money:
Have a clear understanding of the time frame in which this team will be working, and also save money because you only pay for the specific work that is being done for you
You get access to all the latest development technologies:
A3 Global developers are constantly adding to their proficiency in various levels of technology. We work in different areas of development, which means that we understand the experience of many companies and are able to use this experience in your development project
Main Technologies that we work with
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a dedicated development team?
A dedicated development team is a team of people, provided by the software development vendor, with predefined qualifications and skillsets to handle ongoing and existing software development tasks for your organization. Usually a dedicated development team augments or supplements existing onsite software development capability.
How can I manage an external dedicated development team?
Dedicated software developers typically adhere to an operational framework that provides visibility, transparency, and regular communication. This may include periodic reports, sprint- or increment-based work, pre-sprint planning, demos, daily and weekly meetings, and custom updates.
Are dedicated teams more efficient that internal development teams?
Only if a dedicated development team adheres to a strictly defined delivery processes and efficient communication framework, and commitment to transparency that builds trust between a client and a vendor. External teams do not require the resources that internal developers would, and they can adapt more easily to changing conditions or scope, so when these conditions for trust are met, they are more efficient.